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Stroke - secondary to cardiogenic embolism

This animation shows a piece of clot breaking away from the heart, travelling to the brain, resulting in a stroke.

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This animation shows a stroke resulting by an embolism travelling from an internal carotid artery and lodging within a cerebral artery in the brain.

Plank with fitness ball

You can do many core exercises with a fitness ball. See the plank.


This animation shows the cardiac conduction system and the arrhythmias of a fast and slow beating heart.

Cancer of the throat or larynx

From a top view of the voice box (larynx) and vocal cords, this animation shows the formation of a malignant tumor on the right vocal cord.

Tramadol: Approved Uses and Pain Mechanism

A brief description of approved tramadol uses, formulations, and mechanism of action. Learn more about tramadol at:

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