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As Blizzards Bear Down, Stay Safe From Carbon Monoxide Dangers

Medically reviewed by Carmen Pope, BPharm. Last updated on Jan 11, 2024.

By Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter

WEDNESDAY, Jan. 10, 2024 -- With blizzards and possible power outages threatening much of America this week, some dangers might not be immediately obvious: carbon monoxide poisoning, fires and electric shock.

“I urge consumers to follow CPSC’s safety tips to prepare ahead of storms to prevent loss of life in a storm’s aftermath," said Alex Hoehn-Saric, chair of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Carbon monoxide (CO) from gasoline-powered portable generators can kill within minutes if used improperly. It has no color or odor, so can render a person unconscious even before they recognize the symptoms of nausea, dizziness or weakness, the CPSC warns.

This gas kills nearly 100 Americans using portable generators each year. Black individuals have a higher risk of death, accounting for 23% of those who died between 2011 and 2021, according to the CPSC.

To stay safe, the commission advises following these recommendations:

The CPSC offers some additional tips for charcoal and candles. Never use charcoal indoors because that can lead lethal levels of CO to build up. Don’t cook on charcoal in the garage, even with the door open.

Use flashlights or battery-operated candles rather than those with flames. If you do use them, do not burn them near anything that can catch fire and never leave them unattended. Extinguish them before leaving the room or sleeping.

Use caution if appliances may have gotten wet. Do not touch wet appliances that are still plugged into an electrical source. Have a professional or your gas or electric company evaluate appliances for safety.

Replace all gas control valves, electrical wiring, circuit breakers and fuses that have been under water.

If you smell or hear gas leaking, leave your home immediately. Call local gas authorities from outside the home. Do not operate any electronics, including lights and your phone, before leaving.


  • U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, news release, May 18, 2023 and Jan. 10, 2024

Disclaimer: Statistical data in medical articles provide general trends and do not pertain to individuals. Individual factors can vary greatly. Always seek personalized medical advice for individual healthcare decisions.

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