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Unanswered Questions (Page 4)

Fluconazole - Is itching shortly after a side effect of fluconazole? I can't find any information...

... about that anywhere, and I need it to clear an infection I have.

How do I take alendronate and levothyraxine on the same day?

Every morning I take levothyraxine on an empty stomach with a glass of water. One day a week I am supposed to take the alendronate on an empty stomach with no other medicine and a glass of water. Can I take them the same morning? Or is there a way to take the alendronate later? I wait to eat for an...

Question on Dosage of Metoprolol?

I went to my cardiologist 2 weeks ago for high blood pressure problems. I’ve been on Amlodipine, Lisinopril and 50 mg of Metoprolol Succinate. He wanted me to increase the Metoprolol Succ to 100mg per day. I had 50mg in the house so asked if I could take it twice a day, he agreed to it. So...

Prozac - I been on 40mg prozac for 4 years. Past two months it stoped working. I tried 60mg prozac?

... for 2 weeks as well and it made no change at all. Now my doctor is switching me to effexor 75mg. I know effecor worked for me 10 years ago. Did anyone switch from prozac to effexor right away? Or should i wean off slowly? My doctor said take 20mg for 2 days. Then dont take anything for one...

Hydroxyzine - Can HYDROXYZINE cause a false-positive in drug screenings?

Research study from the University of Illinois Chicago and stated that hydroxyzine has been recorded to cause false-positive on drug tests. Is this true? And/or what if I'm taking more than one prescription, can the combination of all prescriptions cause a false-positive?

How long will dizziness headache and lightheadedness side effects of Wellbutrin last?

I am one week in to taking Wellbutrin (150mg) every morning. Five days in I started feeling the dizziness, light headache and nausea. It seems to get better by the evening. How long does this last?

Is 47.5+/-6.2ng/ml a toxic or therapeutic level of Alprazolam?

I am 60 yrs old, 5'6", 200lbs. and have been talking Alprazolam for 17 years.

Swelling of both legs and arms?

My mom suffering Swelling of both legs and arms with any pain she doesn't have bp, sugar etc so doctor can't diagnose with that

Started 50 mg Sertraline after 2 months?

Started 50 mg after 2 months Know it’s a low dose More anxious and had panic attack Do I still give it time or try a different med as it is only helping somewhat Having increase in side effects I am sensitive to antidepressants NP wants me to continue for another month on 50 and see how it...

Cortisone Injection for gout elbow?

I had Cortisone Injection direct into my blood stream and 18days on I suffer from BP and other side effects. How long does this stay in your body and how can I flush this out.

Iron infusion interaction and too close?

The oncologist at the hospital infusion myself with Venofer iron 200mg and the next day a different doctor infusion of 500mg fereheme infusion is this safe? Will they interact or is there a danger of too much iron infusion? I have extreme anemia

Differentiate between bacteria and viral infection?

Anastrozole - I was on anastrozole for 1 year and then developed dry eyes,mouth,hair, and skin.

The dry mouth is the worst. It changes the taste of everything. I am using all of the biotene products with little to no success. Per my doctor, I stopped the anastrozole two months ago, but no improvement yet. Is this going to be permanent? Is anyone else having these symptoms?